Wednesday, November 4, 2009


My dear friends:

First, let me assure you that today is not a somber day for me. It is a victorious day! Four months ago, I began this journey as a political neophyte with no name recognition and very few resources and last night we garnered 46.86% of a city at-large vote against a incumbent with thirteen years of experience. What an amazing accomplishment! I am humbled by the out poring of support that I have received from the citizens of East Point.

Today, I am thankful that I sought to be politically involved. I am a wiser person because of this experience. I am a more compassionate person because of this experience. I am a more tolerant person because of this experience. I appreciate my blessings more because of this experience. I have more friends because of this experience. In sum, I am a better person because of this experience. No, today is not a morose day, but a day filled with joy because I am surrounded by a wonderfully beautiful community and you have given me much more than I could ever repay.

Let me also wish my sincere and warmest of congratulations to Pat Langford. My interest in seeking public office was not a reflection of my respect for Ms. Langford. Anyone who has dedicated thirteen years to public service earns my respect. But, let me also say that the voters of East Point have signaled loud and clear that time are changing. We require and deserve exceptional diligence and performance from our elected officials. As I have said before "to those that much is given, much is expected." The voters have spoken and I respect their voice, but I will also expect exceptional representation. That is what I would have brought to the table and that is what I now require. Do not disappoint us.

Finally, to all the citizens and friends who have supported our campaign with your kind words, generous donations, helpful advice, strong shoulders, invaluable time, or with just a smile and a wave, know that your support has not been in vain. We may not have a seat on the council table, but we are better because of our participation in the political process. We care enough to at least attempt to effect change. We have hope for a better East Point.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It was a blast!
I will miss talking with you on this blog. It has been a source of reflection, communication and documentation. This chapter is over but a bright new one is unfolding...stay tuned.
My best,

PS. Joel Tucker - you are the Man and a darn good friend!

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Campaign season is winding down and as I tell jurors in my closing statement before presenting them the case "my job is almost done, but your job is just beginning." East Point, my job as a political candidate is almost over. It has been a life changing adventure! In an effort to get our message out, we have canvassed all Wards on foot meeting our neighbors, participated in political forums, attended neighborhood association meetings, mailed out brochures, talked to reporters and bloggers and contacted citizens by phone. We have done all that we know to do in an effort to facilitate CHANGE in East Point. We have been extremely well received by East Point residents. My heart and spirit have been bolstered by the out poring of love and support from this community. Thank you for your kind words of support, generous donations to our campaign, and willingness to place yard signs on your property. Most importantly, the best advertising is through word of mouth and I thank you for supporting our campaign by telling your family, friends and neighbors that ours is a campaign dedicated to working hard for the people of East Point.

My job as a candidate is almost done, but for us to move East Point forward to be the great city that we know it can be, YOU must now do your job. Please, on November 3rd gather your family, friends and neighbors and support our campaign by casting your vote for K. ERIC MORROW.

Although our campaign end is near, it is far from over. We will continue to be on the streets until the last vote is cast on November 3rd. It is also not too late for you to participate. If you have any time on election day, please consider joining us on the streets in front of polling locations. Also, please consider calling five friends and making sure that they exercise their right to vote. With your help we will be victorious on November 3rd and beyond.

Again, thank you East Point. I am humbled by you generosity and support.
My best,

Sunday, October 18, 2009


We have been extremely busy in these last days of the election getting our message out to as many citizens of the East Point community as possible. We have been on the streets, on the phones, knocking on doors, at neighborhood association meetings, at community events, at public forums...and if we have not visited you yet, please give me a call and allow us to meet you in person. We had a wonderful time at the Jefferson Park Tour of Homes on Sunday October 11th. Thank you Jefferson Park for all of the love and support! On Tuesday, October 13th we attended a Forum held by the Concerned Clergy of East Point, the SCLC and my Fraternity Brothers - the Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. We thank Dr. Robert Threatt for the opportunity to participate and allow our message to be heard. On Saturday, October 17th, we attended "Meet the Candidates" held at the East Point Christian Church. Thank you Maxine Davis for the invitation and allowing us mingle with other candidates and meet the wonderful citizens of East Point.

I would like to thank all the supporters of my campaign! If you believe in our campaign, please call 5 people in our neighborhood and spread the word. With your help and continued support, we will be victorious on November 3rd.

I would also like to thank Brian for sending me a the cutest picture of his son Grayson holding an "Elect K. Eric Morrow" balloon at Destination East Point. We appreciate all the support. I feel a special obligation to Grayson to make East Point the best possible city in which to grow up. Look for Grayson's picture on the blog in the near future.

Finally, we NEED VOLUNTEERS to assist us on Monday, November 2nd and election day Tuesday, November 3rd. If you can find any amount of time to stand with us as we campaign on these days it will be greatly appreciated. As always, you can contact me at 404-643-4740.

It has been a wonderful journey and I look forward to working hard for East Point if you give me the pleasure of representing you on our City Council.

My best -

Sunday, October 4, 2009


We had a fantastic day meeting new friends and neighbors on Saturday at the 5th Annual Destination East Point. Parts of Main Street were blocked off for the festival. Festival participants included: churches, schools, bands, artists, businesses, politicians and of course there were great food vendors. It was a beautiful day with the sun bearing down and a gentle breeze blowing. Our day started early as we set up our table and got ready to meet the citizens of East Point and get our message out. A huge thank you to Mayor Macon and Kevin Hudson who saw us sitting in the sun and so generously brought over a tent to help shield us. It made a world of difference. Thank you also to the volunteers who came and helped us pass out campaign materials or who just showed up to show support. Bobby, Christine, Mike, Cory, Stacy, Renata, Lona and Melynee you guys are the greatest! We met and talked with many residents who graciously volunteered to assist with our campaign by placing yard signs at their homes or agreed to walk the streets with us. Our candy bowl and "Elect K. Eric Morrow" balloons were both great hits with the kids! The kids crowded our booth and it was great seeing them walking around the festival with our balloons! Joel, this was a great idea for which you deserve all the credit! I must also compliment the parents of our East Point youth. It was wonderful to see so many families of all types enjoying the day with their very well behaved and well mannered children.

If you missed Destination East Point this year, you must make sure to put it on your calendar for next year. It is a wonderful event which showcases the best of our beautiful city.

The campaign is in full swing. We have less than a month until election day. Campaigning has been one of the most challenging and wonderful experiences of my life. With your help, we will be successful on November 3rd and beyond!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Last evening we attended the Cherry Blossom Neighborhood Association Candidate Forum and had a wonderful time. Thank you to Bonnie Askew and The Cherry Blossom Neighborhood Association for putting on a very organized and informative Forum. We must also thank all of the attendees for their warm reception.

Election day is drawing near. We will be at the Village of Egan Park neighborhood association meeting on Thursday, October 1st. In addition, we will have a booth at the 5th Annual Destination East Point on Saturday, October 3rd. We look forward to meeting new neighbors and enjoying a day of campaigning. Please come by our booth and pick up your "Elect K. Eric Morrow" balloons!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


It was a busy week on the campaign trail. We started the week by supporting the Atlanta Braves with neighborhood friends. On Labor Day, we enjoyed a relaxing day with neighbors and friends cooking out and playing yard games. Tuesday, Colonial Hills Neighborhood Association welcomed the candidates. We met many Colonial Hills neighbors and listened to their concerns as they got to know me as a candidate. Thursday, we attended the Frog Hollow and Historic Conley Hills Neighborhood Associations who joined forces to co-sponsor a Mayoral Candidates' Forum. We listened intently to what the mayoral candidates had to say and how they presented themselves. We also reunited with many old friends and were introduced to many new supporters. Saturday was a full day of knocking on doors, getting our message out and meeting our neighbors. We also stopped by the Jefferson Park Field Day at Sumner Park where we enjoyed talking with neighborhood friends and enjoying a burger. It was great seeing Mayor Macon and Councilwoman Slaughter-Gibbons at the event. I am sure that the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association appreciated these elected officials stopping by and lending support.

Thank you to all the supporters who pat me on the back and give me an encouraging word. I have never campaigned for public office before and your words and generous spirits pick me up when the going gets tough. You, the wonderful people of East Point, are the only reason that I am seeking a seat on the city council. You deserve a councilperson who is involved in the community at large, especially in Ward B. You deserve a councilperson who you know personally and will address your questions and concerns in a prompt fashion. As you tell me time and time again, it is time for a change. Together, we will make this change. With your help we will be victorious on November 3rd and beyond!

We have been working hard but on Monday, September 14, I will be taking the day off enjoying my birthday with family and friends. No worries though, on Tuesday we are back to work and I look forward to seeing my neighborhood friends at the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association.

Saturday, September 5, 2009


On Monday, August 31, 2009, we qualified to be placed on the November 3rd ballot for East Point City Council Ward B at-large! It is a very exciting time for me personally and my campaign. I look forward to winning the election in November and working for the citizens of East Point to continue to move this city forward. I congratulate all those who have qualified for Mayor and Council positions. My campaign is focused on building strong relationships so that when I am elected, we can hit the ground running and concentrate on those issues that are of paramount concern to the citizens of East Point. As I walk the streets, in every Ward I hear the same concerns...citizens are pleading for our elected officials to work together for the good of the City. My campaign is dedicated to professionally working with other elected officials to gain the trust and respect of East Point citizens. In the very near future campaigning will be over and the work will begin in earnest. Regardless of who the citizens of East Point choose to represent them, I urge all the candidates to vow that in 2010 a new day will dawn for East Point and we will all work together for a singular goal...making East Point the best city in our state.

Please look for our campaign at these upcoming events:

September 8th - Colonial Hills Neighborhood Association located at Cameron Academy (Knotts Ave. & Newnan St.);

September 10th - Mayoral Candidate Forum hosted by Frog Hollow and Historic Conley Hills Neighborhood Associations at the East Point Christian Church (1706 Washington Road);

September 12th - Jefferson Park Field Day at Sumner Park;

September 15th - Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association Meeting;

October 1st - The neighborhood association of the Village of Egan Park at the Divine Unity Missionary Baptist Church (3385 Harrison Road).

Finally, please show your support for our campaign by placing a yard sign on your property. E-mail your address to and we will promptly get you a sign. If you already have a sign, please ask your neighbors and friends for their support. We must gain name recognition if we are to be victorious in November. Please call me with any questions or concerns at 404-643-4740.

My best,
