Wednesday, November 4, 2009


My dear friends:

First, let me assure you that today is not a somber day for me. It is a victorious day! Four months ago, I began this journey as a political neophyte with no name recognition and very few resources and last night we garnered 46.86% of a city at-large vote against a incumbent with thirteen years of experience. What an amazing accomplishment! I am humbled by the out poring of support that I have received from the citizens of East Point.

Today, I am thankful that I sought to be politically involved. I am a wiser person because of this experience. I am a more compassionate person because of this experience. I am a more tolerant person because of this experience. I appreciate my blessings more because of this experience. I have more friends because of this experience. In sum, I am a better person because of this experience. No, today is not a morose day, but a day filled with joy because I am surrounded by a wonderfully beautiful community and you have given me much more than I could ever repay.

Let me also wish my sincere and warmest of congratulations to Pat Langford. My interest in seeking public office was not a reflection of my respect for Ms. Langford. Anyone who has dedicated thirteen years to public service earns my respect. But, let me also say that the voters of East Point have signaled loud and clear that time are changing. We require and deserve exceptional diligence and performance from our elected officials. As I have said before "to those that much is given, much is expected." The voters have spoken and I respect their voice, but I will also expect exceptional representation. That is what I would have brought to the table and that is what I now require. Do not disappoint us.

Finally, to all the citizens and friends who have supported our campaign with your kind words, generous donations, helpful advice, strong shoulders, invaluable time, or with just a smile and a wave, know that your support has not been in vain. We may not have a seat on the council table, but we are better because of our participation in the political process. We care enough to at least attempt to effect change. We have hope for a better East Point.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.
It was a blast!
I will miss talking with you on this blog. It has been a source of reflection, communication and documentation. This chapter is over but a bright new one is unfolding...stay tuned.
My best,

PS. Joel Tucker - you are the Man and a darn good friend!